Upgrade your cloth diaper experience. Made in the USA.

Must-Have Cloth Diapering Essentials for Beginners

cloth diaper checklist


How to Begin Using Cloth Diapers

You may find yourself overwhelmed by cloth diaper lingo and learning about all the different types of cloth diapers. Maybe even wondering, “Are cloth diapers worth it?” I can answer that question with a resounding, YES! Even using cloth diapers part time can save you money and keep trash out of landfills.

Top 5 Things to Consider for Cloth Diaper Beginners

  • A good place to start is 12-24 cloth diapers per child

The amount of cloth diapers that you find ideal will depend on your lifestyle, personal preferences, and budget. 12-24 diapers will get you started for 1-2 days of cloth diapering depending on the age of your baby. Smaller babies and infants can go through 10-12 diapers per day! Your baby will typically go through less diapers as they age.


  • We Recommend 3-4 wetbags/hanging wetbags

2 wetbags for diapering on-the-go and 2 hanging wetbags/pail liners for storing diaper diaper laundry. When you have a wetbag and pail liner washing, you'll have a back-up one to use so you'll never run out. 


  • One you try cloth wipes you won’t want to go back to disposable ones

One cloth wipe will easily clean what takes at least 5 disposable wipes. Consider starting with 24-36 reusable wipes. Reusable wipes are not a must have item but they're very easy to use and it'll help cut down diapering costs. Nothing grabs poop better than a cloth wipe!


  • Extra natural fiber cloth diaper inserts

Having a handful of extra natural fiber inserts on hand is always a great idea. Geffen Baby hemp absorbers make an awesome addition to any cloth diaper stash! Hemp is naturally antimicrobial. That means stinky diapers will be a thing of the past as these are super easy to wash. Plus, hemp is one of the most absorbent fibers out there. Geffen Baby’s innovative 60% Hemp / 40% Organic Cotton ensures you will always have the absorbency you need.

  • Using Cloth Diapers can save you money

At the end of the days, the size of your cloth diaper stash will always be a personal preference. However, remember that if this is the reason you are using reusable diapers, to only get what you need. Having fewer high quality cloth diaper inserts is better than having too many subpar liners that leak.